Monday, October 3, 2011

Prayer Pockets, January 2012

Prayer Pockets are groups of 3 or 4 people who meet for ~1hr a week to pray with each other. If you would like to check one out, please feel free to stop by at the assigned time and location. It would also be helpful (but not necessary), if you could let us know that you plan to start attending by sending an email to, then we can make sure the leaders know you're coming! If you already attend one on a regular basis, then do not worry about sending an email.

Times and locations are as follows:

Monday, 9:30am - MUSC fireplace (with Naomi)
Wednesday, 12:30 - 1st floor Williams HSC (with Joel)

More times and locations are on the way. If you know you'd like to be a part of one this semester, and know that you cannot make wither of these two, send us an email and hopefully we can get you in on the organizing before the times are set for the others (to ensure you can attend).